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two factor authentication analytics

Two-factor authentication for even better security

What is two-factor authentication exactly?

Two-factor authentication is an extra layer of security to ensure that people trying to gain access to an online account are really who they say they are. The first step is for a user to enter their username and password. Then, instead of gaining immediate access to the account, he must provide additional information, in our case a temporary code that is sent by email. This second security feature effectively protects against online account abuse.

How do I set up two-factor authentication for my account?

💡 This additional security layer is already activated for all newly registered users. 

  1. Go to your account settings on the bottom left.
  2. Open the Security settings and look for Two-Factor Authentication.
  3. Set the value in the dropdown field to Enabled.
  4. And that’s it. Two-Factor authentication is now activated for your account.
two factor authentication setting

If you have any questions about the function or the setup of the two-step authentication, we will of course be happy to help you. Contact us here anytime!